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Artistic A.I.

I found that A.I. are advancing rapidly and will have a very large effect on our society, in terms of work, art, our livelihood and in every aspect of our lives. In order to demonstrate the development of A.I. thought, the field of A.I. art was the most intriguing. Artificial Intelligence art is interesting as it can lead to new artistic ideas that we would not conceive. My research path lead to Googles Deep Dream Generator (an A.I. art creating tool free for anyone to use) and to the numerous different art pieces created using this A.I. After contacting the Deep Dream Generator team they put me onto different paths. Looking into other art created by A.I. and with the help of A.I. This included A.I. interpreting videos and making their own, learning to speak and sound like a genuine human, make their own music and generally creating their own artwork.

If you wish to view my finished project for this follow this link.

Artistic A.I.: Projects
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